Monday 10 September 2007

HKPU introduces Second Life

Last year we spent some time with P6 students discussing Second Life, a virtual 3-d world with many millions of users across the globe.

Saturday's SCMP reported that Hong Kong Polytechnic University now has an island in Second Life which is used to help new students get used to working with other students, meet their lecturers and take part in problems solving activities, all inside a virtual world.

This is another example of how education is using a non-educational application to enhance course work. With many schools now looking seriously at using Second Life, following examples set by those such as the Gifted and Talented Academy in the UK, it will be fascinating to see how the use of virtual environments can change the way we think about teaching and learning.

One project worth investigating further is the one carried out last year linking students in New York and Amsterdam. More details can be found at the Kids Connect web-site.

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