The Game On exhibition at the Cyberport was originally displayed at the Barbican in London a couple of years ago. I'd meant to try and visit it then, and could never have imagined I'd finally get to see it in Hong Kong!
So is it worth a visit? You bet! It's excellent value for money and you could quite possibly stay there for the whole day. I managed a couple of hours before I had to leave.
The early part of the exhibition deals with the original arcade games of the early 80s and it was great to be able to play the likes of Asteroids and Galaxians again; two games which cost me most of my pocket money/earnings in my youth. The great thing about Game On though is that you don't need any coins once you've paid your entrance fee as all the games are free.
There's also a chance to see some of the early consoles including the Sinclair Spectrum (the first computer I owned), the Sega Mega Drive, and the original GameBoy.
The newer games are well worth a play with Sony's Playstation 3 looking particularly impressive with it's Formula One game. It was also my first chance to have a go on Nintendo's Wi and that's gone up a few places on the Christmas list.
For anybody with an interest in computer games, Game On is an essential visit as it gives visitors a chance to play some of the games that paved the way in the industry and compare them with the graphically complex games we're used to today.
For those of more mature years such as myself it's a chance to re-live the dim and distant days of youth and recall hours of dubious fun.